Our Lady of Guadalupe Students of the Year Focused on High School
on May 31, 2016
Both Emma Kelley and Fadi Rabadi are 100% focused on their upcoming studies at Bishop Montgomery High School. This year’s Our Lady of Guadalupe (OLG) Students of the Year actually sidestepped questions about college or professional plans.

And, both students astounded us with their witty and creative approaches to their final language arts projects in which they were to write and cast a play. Emma’s “Shakespeare’s Lost Play” featured the play as the lead character, while Fadi crafted a biting political satire featuring Donald Trump’s wig!
Because of her love for books, Emma started the Dolphin Reading Program at OLG and her mother says, “She makes me want to be a better person because she raises the bar so high.” As the oldest of four children, Emma naturally gravitates to leadership.
Fadi is described by his teacher as a science genius (“I mean NASA-worthy!”) but he loves math, too. Spending his summers in Jordan has been eye-opening for Fadi, who quipped, “My parents speak to me in Arabic and I respond back in English!” In his spare time, he plays basketball and enjoys going to brunch each Sunday after church. In fact, he cites his parents as his most important role models because they help him practice his Catholic faith.